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Do you speak another language other than English?

What is the Spanish word for chicken?

Is it cold right now where you live ("Hace frío")?

Is it cold right now where you live ("Hace frío")?

Do you watch "fútbol americano" ("American" football) like the Superbowl?

What is your favorite thing about school?


Who can make the funniest video’ (video)?

What is your morning routine?

Can you sing "Happy Birthday" in Spanish?

Who can make the funniest video’ (video)?

What is your favorite thing at a 🎉party (fiesta)?

Who can make the funniest video’ (video)?

What is “el clima” (the weather) like today where you live?

What is your favorite thing about school?

Can you count 10 objects in Spanish?

Is it cold right now where you live ("Hace frío")?

Can you say "mamá" (mom) or "madre" mother?

Can you share your favorite color in Spanish?

Can you sing "Happy Birthday" in Spanish?

What is your morning routine?

Can you say "rima, tima, sima, & lima" using the correct "i" sound in Spanish?

What is your morning routine?

Do you speak another language other than English?

What is your morning routine?

Would you rather be a "perro" (dog) or a "gato" (cat)?

Can you say the Spanish word for flower?

If you could speak any other language, what would it be?

What is your morning routine?

Is it cold right now where you live ("Hace frío")?

How do you say "I'm sorry" or "I'm very sorry" in Spanish?

What's on your mind?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

What's on your mind?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

What is your morning routine?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

Do you speak another language other than English?

What is your favorite kind of “la música” (music)?

Can you share your favorite color in Spanish?

Would you rather be a "perro" (dog) or a "gato" (cat)?

What is your favorite after school "actividad" (activity)?

Can you show me something “anaranjado” (orange)?

What is your morning routine?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

Can you say mom, dad, sister, and brother in Spanish?

What is your morning routine?

Can you tell us about your favorite teacher?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

If you could speak any other language, what would it be?

Is it cold right now where you live ("Hace frío")?

Who can make the funniest video’ (video)?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

Do you like "chocolate" (chocolate)?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

What is your morning routine?

Can you say the Spanish phrase for "I like my dog" or "I like my cat?"

What is the Spanish word for chicken?

What time is it when you get up?

Can you show us your favorite "calcetines" (socks)?

What is your morning routine?

What is your morning routine?

Do you speak another language other than English?

What is your morning routine?

What is your morning routine?

What's your favorite thing to do in the water?

What is your morning routine?

Latina mami!

What is your favorite thing at a 🎉party (fiesta)?

Is it cold right now where you live ("Hace frío")?

What is your morning routine?

Can you tell me what the weather is like today where you live? ¿Qué tiempo hace?

Can you roll your rrs in Spanish? Try to roll the "rr" as you say "burrito" in Spanish.

What is your morning routine?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

Can you share your favorite color in Spanish?

Do you like "chocolate" (chocolate)?

Can you send Kisses (Besitos) or show affection to someone you care about today?

Do you speak another language other than English?

Can you count to 10 in another another language other than English?

Can you say the Spanish word for tiger?

Can you tell me what the weather is like today where you live? ¿Qué tiempo hace?

What's on your mind?

i’m confused 😵💫🤔..

Is it cold right now where you live ("Hace frío")?

Can you send Kisses (Besitos) or show affection to someone you care about today?

Can you say "mamá" (mom) or "madre" mother?

Can you try this trending dance?💃✨

Have you ever seen an elk?

Can you say "Oh my gosh!" in Spanish?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

Can you say "mamá" (mom) or "madre" mother?

Can you sing "Happy Birthday" in Spanish?

What is something you do “a menudo” (often)?

Can you show me your “silla favorita’ (favorite chair)?

What kinds of books do you like to read in the "biblioteca" (library)?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?