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Can you try this trending dance?💃✨

¡Cómo bailar el nuevo trend!

What Languages Can You Speak?

Grwm using my culture music/SPANISH!!!!

Latina mami!

What is your morning routine?

Do you speak another language other than English?

Can you talk (hablo) with a friend?

Can you say "rima, tima, sima, & lima" using the correct "i" sound in Spanish?

Can you say "mamá" (mom) or "madre" mother?

How do you say "I'm sorry" or "I'm very sorry" in Spanish?

Do you know what this means in Spanish

Can you say hi to a waiter or waitress at a restaurant?

Can you sing "Happy Birthday" in Spanish?

Who can make the funniest video’ (video)?

Can you say "OK" in Spanish?

See if you an say "I know it" or "I don't know it" in Spanish. Can you say both? Try & see!

What is something you do “a menudo” (often)?

Would you rather swim in a “lago” (lake) or a “piscina” (pool)?

Can you find something "amarillo" (yellow)!

Do you like "chocolate" (chocolate)?

If you could speak any other language, what would it be?

Can you send Kisses (Besitos) or show affection to someone you care about today?

What is your favorite kind of “la música” (music)?

Can you say the Spanish phrase for "I like my dog" or "I like my cat?"

Can you say "hamburger" in Spanish?

💚🇪🇸Meet the crew🇪🇸💚

What were you thankful for on "viernes" (Friday) this week?

Say “mi almohada” & show us your fave pillow!

What is your FAVORITE "Feliz Navidad" (Merry Christmas) activity?

Can you sing the 'Little Chickies' song?

Can you roll your rrs in Spanish? Try to roll the "rr" as you say "burrito" in Spanish.

What is your favorite thing at a 🎉party (fiesta)?

Can you say "Oh my gosh!" in Spanish?

Can you say "French Fries" in Spanish?

Can you show us “una marcadora” (marker)?

How many Spanish speaking countries can you think of?

What are you learning or doing in "la clase de música?" (music class)

Can you show me “una nuez” (a nut) from outside or a store?

Can you count your pets in Spanish?

What do you do on "La Nochebuena" (Christmas Eve)?

Which one is your favorite? El sol (the sun), la luna (the moon), or las estrellas (the stars)?

Can you find España (Spain) on a map?

#ScavengerHunt: Can you find something "rojo" (red)?

Can you count to 10 in Spanish?

Can you show me a light "la luz!" in your house?

What kinds of books do you like to read in the "biblioteca" (library)?

What is your favorite food to eat for "cena" (dinner)?

💕Is there anything exciting your doing today?💗

Would you rather be a "perro" (dog) or a "gato" (cat)?

Do you speak Spanish ?

Do you live in “el campo” (country) or “la ciudad”(city)?

Can you say the Spanish word for motorcycle?

What is your favorite "película" (movie)?

Can you sing the alphabet in English or Spanish?

Can you tell us what your favorite animal is?

What might you say in Spanish if you spilled your drink? (hint- "¡Ay Chihuahua!")

¿Qué te gusta leer? What do you like to read?

Do you visit “la biblioteca” (the library)? At school? In your town?

Can you count to 10 in another another language other than English?

Can you say the Spanish word for car?

Can you show us a yellow or red or green leaf?

How do you get to school each day?

Can you say "Yo salto" while you jump?

Can you share your favorite color in Spanish?

Can you find Guatemala & Chile on a map?

Where do you like to take a nap?

Can you say "yo bailo" while you dance?

Who is your favorite teacher?

When do you start school (la escuela)?

Can you show us your favorite "calcetines" (socks)?

What is your favorite snack?
Say something in your language!

Have you ever seen a “mapache” (racoon)?

What did you do “anteayer” (day before yesterday)?

Can you say "big" or "small" in Spanish?

Can you make a video with "el pájaro" (bird) singing in the background?

#ThisOrThat: Which do you like better, "la primavera" (spring) or "el verano" (summer)?

Can you tell us your first name or Zigazoo username using "me llamo" (my name is)?

What is your favorite thing to eat for "el almuerzo" (lunch)? 🥪

What treat do you leave for "Papá Noel" (Father Christmas, Santa Claus)?

Can you say mom, dad, sister, and brother in Spanish?

Can you say grandma, grandpa, aunt, uncle, and cousin (primo and prima) in Spanish?

Which do you use the most: un cuchillo (knife), una chuchara (spoon), or el tenedor (fork)?

Describe yourself in Spanish! Are you tall, short, or happy? Alto/alta? Bajo/baja? Feliz?

Do you watch "fútbol americano" ("American" football) like the Superbowl?

Can you say the Spanish word for "yuck" or "gross"? (Hint - guácala)

Would you rather fly like a "pájaro" (bird) or swim like a "pez" (fish)?

Can you say the Spanish word for door? Can you open "la puerta" for someone?

Can you tell me what you like to watch “Me gusta mirar”?

Can you show us your favorite "manta" (blanket)?

What can you make in the kitchen (la cocina)?

Who is the best person to make you feel better when you get a 'boo boo'?

Can you show me “una lupa” (a magnifying glass)?

Can you tell us your favorite food in English and Spanish?

Can you show us your favorite "la taza" (cup)?

Can you show us your backpack and say “Mi mochila”?

Can you show me your “silla favorita’ (favorite chair)?

What's your favorite activity in "el otoño" (the fall)?

What’s your favorite way to eat “la papa” (potato)? Fried? Mashed? As fríes?