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What is your favorite "adorno" (decoration)?

What is your favorite food to eat for "cena" (dinner)?

What is your favorite "restaurante" (restaurant)?

What is your "favorita" (favorite) thing?

What are you "agradecido" (grateful) for at school?

What were you thankful for on "viernes" (Friday) this week?

Can you tell someone "muchas gracias" (thanks a lot) for something today?

Can you say "doy gracias" (I give thanks) in Spanish?

Is it cold right now where you live ("Hace frío")?

What kinds of books do you like to read in the "biblioteca" (library)?

What's your favorite fall "hoja" (leaf) activity?

What are you learning or doing in "la clase de música?" (music class)

What's your favorite fall "hoja" (leaf) activity?

Would you rather eat "calabaza" (pumpkin) in a pie or carve one?

What's your favorite activity in "el otoño" (the fall)?

Would you rather eat "calabaza" (pumpkin) in a pie or carve one?

What's your favorite activity in "el otoño" (the fall)?

What is your favorite "película" (movie)?

What is your favorite "película" (movie)?

What is your favorite Hispanic "comida" or food?

What is your favorite "película" (movie)?

What is your favorite "película" (movie)?

What did you create in "arte" (art) this week?

Can you say "hamburger" in Spanish?

What is your favorite Hispanic "comida" or food?

Complete this sentence and tell us what you like to play! "Juego _____!"

What did you learn in "ciencia" (science) this week?

What did you learn in "ciencia" (science) this week?

What is your favorite Hispanic "comida" or food?

Can you count your pets in Spanish?