It's almost springtime! In the Spring, flowers are blooming, rain is falling, and animals are spending more time outside. What do you like to do in the spring?

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Transcript (BETA)

Isaac is your friends this fella here from the Memphis Zoo here in Memphis it's springtime which means that flowers are blooming rain is falling animal to spending a lot more time outside during the winter time a lot of animals spend their time sleeping so that they can preserve their energy and winter there's not as much food so they have to make sure that they're not using as much energy since the weather has gotten warmer a lot more birds and squirrels and other animals have decided to make an appearance as it continues to get warmer animal get to do some of their favorite things from splashing around and rivers to spending time with asking in the sun they left to do all sorts of Springtime activities so my question for you is what's your favorite Springtime activity find friends